วันศุกร์ที่ 28 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2555

English for Journalism 2 [0115483]

Make a film blog:Bedtime Stories



INT. lawn at principal of Webster Elementary School-Midday 

                                              [Example scene from the Bedtime Stories screenplay]

1.Who is involved in the scene?

                -Skeeter Bronson and Wendy Bronson              

2.Where does it take place?

                -Lawn at  principal of Webster Elementary School

3.When does it take place?


4.What is happening?

                -They are talking together and finding the good way to solve this problem.

5.Why is this scene taking place?

               -Because Wendy want  Skeeter to watch and take care of her kids, while she goes out of town

6.How do the protagonists feel?

               -Skeeter Bronson feels surprised and confused,but he agrees to watch and take care of them. 

